Youth Leaders ‘GO’

Fred Amenga-Etengo and Huw Warmehoven
Youth Leaders from across the Archdiocese gathered with Fred Amenga-Etengo, a visiting missionary and youth leaders from Ghana, to be led into dialogue and discussion at the first ‘Go’ Dinner.
The night centred on the challenge to respond to the call of God to ‘Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father, Son and Spirit and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded.” (Mt 28:19)
A highlight of the night was the time of Q&A for all gathered were a number of youth leaders asked questions of faith and mission to Fred.
Chloe Kelly said that the “Go Dinner was a great opportunity to stop and reflect on my role in the mission of the Church.”
The Go Dinner was the launch for the Extraordinary Mission Month amongst the youth ministry. With more initiatives, such as the Youth Pilgrimage and Archdiocesan Mission Mass, still to come this month.