WYD Blog: January 27 – The Vigil

Finally at the site for the Vigil and Final Mass.

From Luke Donnelly:

Just entering the closed Pan Americas Highway for our pilgrimage to the site of the vigil and final mass. We will be here for the next 24hrs.

We were very blessed to receive seated positions for the vigil tonight. We are watching the crowds roll in behind us as we wait to be seated. Following the vigil we will head into the crowds to find a comfortable spot for the night.

After 9 hours we have finally made it to the seated area of the stage for the evening vigil. It has been a long pilgrimage of walking, waiting and patience.

We can’t wait to experience this amazing opportunity.


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Our WYD Pilgrims are about to join millions of other pilgrims and Pope Francis for the Vigil. #catholic #wydpanama2019 #cgyouth

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