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  • El Padre 1 year

    Great story. Thanks

  • Richard Thompson 1 year

    Great article 

  • Chris Rule 1 year

    My wife and I and my brother visited St Lawrence’s Church in Spring Valley in March 2013 and were shown around by the caretaker. We saw some items which had Fr Hagemann’s name on them. One such item was a penny catechism. We also visited his grave. Two of our relatives, the Sykes, are also buried there. They Sykes had been originally buried at Ryansvale. But, because the Mulwaree River regularly flooded the cemetery attached to St Michaels Church, which was on the banks of the river, there bodies were exhumed and reburied at St Lawrence’s. An ancestor of ours, James Byrne was also buried at Ryansvale and we visited his grave. His headstone was still standing and was very readable.

  • Chris Rule 1 year

    Further to my comment above my two Sykes ancestors were Sarah and William Sykes. Inside the Church, apart from the penny catechism, were books belonging to Fr Hagemann. According to my wife they were books of an intellectual and academic nature, including St Thomas Aquinas’ “Theological Summa”. I wonder if they are still there? If so, surely they should be moved elsewhere for safe keeping?

  • John Fisher 1 year

    The three portions at Spring Valley have an interesting history, land was ‘appropriated’ by the Church 1872 as occurred in multiple locations, a spin off of the Church Act by Governor Bourke.
    while the cemetery represents the Crown issuance of the standard 1ac.

  • John Fisher 1 year

    THe Spring Valley Church began with the appropriation of lands by the Catholic Church, a spin off from the Church Act under Governor Bourke that promoted moral development found in religion.

  • John Fisher 1 year

    THe Spring Valley Church began with the appropriation of lands by the Catholic Church, a spin off from the Church Act under Governor Bourke that promoted moral development found in religion. before which Collector was the centre of services