Week Five: Archbishop’s Pastoral Parish visits

Parish Priest, Fr Tom Thornton with St Thomas Aquinas Charnwood parishioners
St. Thomas Aquina’s Parish
During this most interesting and challenging year, Charnwood parish has adapted and accommodated. The challenge of not attending weekly mass meant that we have had to take care of each other in creative ways bearing in mind the need to care for the aged and the isolated.
One of the more significant challenges was adjusting to school being closed. Great efforts were made by staff and parents to ensure that children were impacted as little as possible, which required a great deal of care and work by those involved.
It was noted from more than one parishioner that this time of lockdown and isolation meant more time for families to reconnect, to share meals, and entertain each other. It’s an ill wind that blows no good!
As we have begun to resume life and as restrictions ease, the community’s gathering around the altar for Eucharist has been heartening. Although we may never really be as before, the experience has helped us reflect upon all that is essential and precious in our lives.
The St Vincent de Paul society’s pastoral care has continued, and as government benefits lessen, their work load will undoubtedly increase. Hopefully, with the future of employment uncertain for some, we as a community will be able to give a hand where it’s needed.
The next steps will be fascinating.
Lovely news from St Thomas West Belconnen and the familiar faces in videos. Just love that place and the wonderful family support that you all share.