Vinnies offers their support to Canberra Muslims

Vinnies Canberra attended prayers on Friday April 5 at CIC Mosque.
Members of the St Vincent de Paul Society, including Canberra/Goulburn president Warwick Fulton and CEO Barnie van Wyk, attended Friday prayers at the Monash Mosque on Friday, April 5.
The attendance by members of Canberra’s Catholic community was to offer prayers for the victims of the Christchurch massacre and their families.
“We wanted to show up our solidarity with Canberrans of the Muslim faith who are having a hard time at present both through their grief for the loss of their Muslim brothers and sisters in New Zealand and in their uncertainty for their own safety in our Australian communities, Mr Fulton said.
“It is important that we show them that we who worship the same God stand shoulder to shoulder with them and share in their grief.”
Source: St Vincent de Paul Society, Canberra-Goulburn.
Great gesture of solidarity with our Muslim neighbours. It is good that “we who worship the same God stand shoulder to shoulder with them and share in their grief “. Let ‘s maintain a dialogue.