Updated Archdiocesan Protocols COVID-19
Effective Immediately
Churches are open in both ACT & NSW.
The following liturgical and pastoral protocols are in place.
NSW Parishes (Effective Monday 1 June 2020)
1. Masses (Sundays & Weekdays) are to be celebrated with no more than 50 people (excluding priest and those involved in liturgical ministries) until further notice.
a. Communion in the hand only.
b. 1.5metres distancing.
c. Customary/recommended hygiene practices.
ACT Parishes (Effective Saturday 30 May 2020)
2. Masses (Sundays & Weekdays) are to be celebrated with no more than 20 people (excluding priest and those involved in liturgical ministries) until further notice.
a. Communion in the hand only.
b. 1.5metres distancing.
c. Customary/recommended hygiene practices.
NSW & ACT Parishes effective immediately
Communion to Sick People and Elderly Persons
3. Communion to sick persons in hospitals, aged care homes, or private homes is permitted.
a. Communion in hospitals is to be distributed only by hospital chaplains or hospital pastoral care team.
b. Communion in aged care homes will be subject to individual institutions.
Anointing of the Sick
4. Permitted in general pastoral circumstances, including hospitals, aged care homes and private homes.
a. In hospitals:
i. Restricted to hospital chaplains until further notice.
ii. If the patient has COVID 19, hospital chaplains to use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), i.e., gown, gloves, mask, goggles. Chaplains to be accompanied by a medical health worker to ensure correct donning and doffing.
iii. Laying on of hands above the head.
iv. Oil of the Sick administered only with gloves, using cotton buds/swabs.
b. In aged care homes:
i. If the patient has COVID 19, request one of the hospital chaplains to celebrate the sacrament.
ii. Follow protocols in 3a. iii-iv.
c. In private homes:
i. Follow protocols in 3a. iii-iv.
ii. Persons with COVID-19 would be expected to be in hospital.
Funerals and Weddings
5. A total of 50 people allowed for a funeral inside a church (excluding celebrant and people involved in liturgical ministries).
6. A total of 50 people allowed for a graveside funeral (excluding celebrant and people involved in liturgical ministries).
7. A total of 20 people allowed for a wedding inside a church building (excluding celebrant and those involved in liturgical ministries).
8. 50 people permitted inside the Church building (excluding celebrant and those involved in liturgical ministries), with customary/recommended hygiene practices.
a. RCIA candidates can receive confirmation.
9. First rite of penance, with a priest and penitent observing 1.5m spacing.
10. Second rite of penance suspended until further notice.
First Penance, First Holy Communion & Confirmation
11. Suspended until further notice.
Prayer and Social Gatherings
12. No more than 20 people permitted to gather whether inside Church or other Church facility:
a. 1.5metres distancing.
b. Customary/recommended hygiene practices.
13. Parishes and communities are to keep an accurate register of people who come for public prayer.
14. Frequently touched surfaces to be regularly cleaned.
Daily Mass and other spiritual resources are available at www.catholicvoice.org.au
Father Anthony Percy
Vicar General
29 May 2020