The Gift of Our Children

Maria Corson (Year 12) Social Justice Captain
Why is your catholic faith important to you?
My faith is the bedrock of my life! In all the ups and downs God’s love and his sacraments are always there, often as a much needed resting place. The Catholic faith also strengthens my desire to love others and challenges me to see the world through Jesus’ loving eyes.
Any ideas on how the voice of young people in the church could be strengthened?
I think as older adolescents and young adults draw closer to God in their faith with age it could be a good idea to invite them to participate in parish councils where the lay Catholic voices are typically heard. Also, in my opinion, I think it would be interesting to actually know how lay voices and those in leadership communicate in the Catholic Church, because now that I think about it I don’t really know how anyone’s “voices” are heard.
In your opinion what difference does the involvement of young people make to the church?
Having other people my age involved in the church makes our church community feel more connected through our common ground of faith. I think this diverse range of ages is a reminder that all people at all ages and life situations can seek to have a stronger relationship with God.
What or who has inspired you on your faith journey?
My friends, and those just older than me, who actively seek a deeper relationship with God are the people who regularly inspire my faith journey. The Youth Ministry team at St Clare’s brings together the students who want a good relationship with God, and with Chiara our Youth Minister there leading our meetings alongside our really cool Faith and Community Captain Clare, I always come away with my own pursuit of God and his grace invigorated.

Clare Corson (Year 12) Faith and Community Captain
Why is your catholic faith important to you?
Put simply my faith is important to me because my relationship with God is extremely important to me. Through this relationship I am loved and supported, which helps me to face the daily challenges of life.
Any ideas on how the voice of young people in the church could be strengthened?
I think young people in the church should be welcomed more into our community so that we may be open to them and listen more closely to their contributions.
In your opinion what difference does the involvement of young people make to the church?
Having a Church that is made up of a diverse range of perspectives allows us to grow and learn from each other. When young people are not involved in the Church our ability to learn from them is severely reduced both practically and spiritually.
What or who has inspired you on your faith journey?
The support I received from my family really encouraged me to be open to and discover my faith, and the Youth Ministry team at St Clare’s helped me realize the communal aspect of faith through our sisterhood and growth in faith together.