Sydney Archbishop’s statement regarding Abortion Bill

Archbishop of Sydney, Most Rev. Anthony Fisher
Statement from Most Rev. Anthony Fisher OP, Archbishop of Sydney
This week it was announced that a private members bill would be introduced immediately into parliament that will allow abortion for any reason up until birth in NSW.
The bill has yet to be released to the public and as such there has been no public inquiry into the subject, no opportunity for residents of NSW to make their views known to their MPs and not even discussion in state Cabinet.
It seems that Premier Gladys Berejiklian, Health Minister Brad Hazzard and the architects of this bill are determined for it to pass within days with as little community discussion as possible, let alone providing those being asked to vote on it with enough information to do so in an informed manner.
The bill is a bad one. It will allow abortion right up to birth if two doctors agree.
It will require Catholic (and other) doctors and hospitals to collaborate by either taking part in the abortion or referring patients to someone who will. It is yet another attack upon the rights of people of faith.
Worst of all, it does absolutely nothing to provide alternatives for women distressed about being pregnant who often feel they have ‘no other option’.
It is the dream bill of the abortion industry, which they have already pressed upon other several states; but it will leave unborn children and unsupported pregnant women even more at risk.
The Premier and others seem determined to stop us having our say. I have asked our priests and people to contact their local MPs to make their voice heard in the little time that they have been given to do so.
Along with the Anglican Archbishop of Sydney, Dr Glenn Davies, the new Primate of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia, Archbishop Makarios and co-ordinator of Australia’s Eastern Catholic Bishops, Bishop Antoine-Charbel Tarabay, I have written to the Premier seeking her urgent intervention to allow more time so a proper consultation can happen. I look forward to her response.
Most Rev. Anthony Fisher OP, DD BA LLB BTheol DPhil
Archbishop of Sydney
This is an horrific bill a crime against humanity. The premier and health minister are being conned by experts.
There seem to be many people in government who sincerely believe that they will improve lives for many people in their state. They show serious lack of information if they make abortion more available. An overwhelming number of aborted women exist for the rest of their lives in secret guilt and misery, in often mental illness, some in schizophrenia or proneness to suicide. Premier Gladys Berejiklian, Health Minister Brad Hazzard and others promoting the forthcoming abortion bill need to do a great deal of reading/study of the long term results of abortion in many European countries, e.g. Netherlands, Belgium, and spend more time thinking, studying and listening to the public before debating such a bill as discussed.
Dear Ms Berejiklian,
As a former resident of and elector in New South Wales, I write to express my dismay over the proposed Bill, which among other things, threatens the lives of babies directly prior to their due date of birth.
As a mother of an ex- premature baby, I am sickened to hear that the archaic practice of abortion is still seen as a ‘cure’ for medical and social ills. Sure, abortionists have the right to make money, like anyone else does, but I believe strongly that the right of babies to see the light of day is far greater than the rights of greedy abortionists.
My daughter was born at 25 weeks gestation, weighing about the same as a can of coke, at about the same size. She is now a beautiful little twelve-year- old firebrand, causing both joy and havoc wherever she goes. Thank God she made it into this world- despite the advice of short- sighted medical ‘experts’ at the time.
Please, Ms Berejiklian be patient, be wise, and be true to your noble Armenian Christian roots. 5th commandment- thou shalt not kill.