Slowly, But Surely Transfigured
Make no mistake.
The first two weeks of Lent lead us into the mystery of Jesus Christ:
Week One is about his humanity.
Week Two is about his divinity.
Jesus is truly human, truly divine.
He is a divine person, since he has existed for all eternity with the Father and Holy Spirit.
However, around 4BC, he entered space and time. By this act, he is fully human – Spirit, Soul and Body.
We encounter Jesus graphically tempted and tested in week one. We encounter Jesus transfigured and glorified in week two.
Jesus’ persona is a mystery, not a puzzle.
We solve puzzles, but mysteries we believe and live:
We believe with our hearts and confess with our lips. We feel with our emotions and live with our will.
Jesus is transfigured immediately. Not so us:
I beseech you, through the compassion of God, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice to God, well-pleasing, a reasonable service [to God].
Do not be conformed to this age, but be transfigured by the renewing of your minds (Romans 12).
Be patient.
As we offer ourselves to God, we are slowly, but surely transfigured.
Make no mistake.
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