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  • Edward (Mike) Mooney 6 years

    I have recently – two years returned to practice my Catholic Faith – it has been a wonderful spirit led journey at St Thomas in Kambah – Thank you for such in-sight into the long term traditions indeed dogma’s of the church especially in the context of the journey with the spirit – I cant imagine a “redo of the learned community of saints that have travelled in the past and now with the faithful with such love” that is so important for the congregation especially sinners like me 🙂

  • Luis 6 years

    ’Starting again’ would suggest the Church got it wrong the first time and the Holy Spirit had been off his/her game for quite a while (in temporal terms). ‘twould inspire little confidence that another attempt would be any better.
    The idea is somewhat reminiscent of the manifest built-in contradictions of private interpretation of the scriptures, suggesting all interpretations (or none) are equally valid.
    There is enough difficulty in reconciling the divergent expressions of opinion within the Church already. Who would ever agree on how the ‘new start’, per impossibile, should commence.

  • Meredith 5 years

    I am recently coming back to the Catholic Church after an abcense of about 40 something years. I have been in other churches and have been drawn back by their adherence to scriptures, tradition and their unchangeability. The ‘way forward’ is nothing more than an illusion. The Catholic church is built on rock solid foundations. The breakaway churches are built on sand. Don’t knock out your strong foundations for a false hope of fancy sand. It is not what is needed at this time. God and Jesus should be the focus and also I am finding out Mary is too. Sure the Holy Spirit has a place but please do not go overboard with it. Other churches have to their own detriment. The other man’s grass is not always greener.