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  • Joe Quigley 5 years

    My reading of the Royal Commission Report led me to believe no one on the RC had a clue how the Catholic hierarchy worked under Cànon Law. A meeting of Consultors was not a clearing house for gossip & rumours.

  • Rita Joseph 5 years

    When I read the complete unredacted Reports of the Royal Commission, I was dismayed by how often the Commissioners resorted to guessing ‘the likelihood’ of one priest’s knowledge of another’s guilt. For example, when the young Father Pell, back in the 1970s, joined [for the first time] a meeting about [inter alia] moving Ridsdale to another parish, the Commission concluded (“We are satisfied…”) that “it is likely that he knew of Ridsdale’s sexual transgressions.”
    The Commission’s conclusion, however, was based on “likelihood” and not on established fact. Speculation and conjecture dominated this part of the proceedings.
    The Commission should not have intimated Father Pell’s guilt based on mere “likelihood”. We all know that Royal Commissions are not held to the same standards as law courts but such deceitful transition from what the Commission speculated was “likely that he knew” to a general conclusion that he “did know” is logically and legally unacceptable.