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  • Jan Baker 6 years

    Priests, like everyone else, will only experience “vicarious trauma” if they don’t hand over their burdens to the Lord at the end of each day. As one who experienced major trauma at the hands of the Church , I can testify that just sitting before the Blessed Sacrament day after day, week after week, month after month, made me a stronger person than I have ever been. It’s a matter of faith. What is there that Jesus is unable to heal?

    • Bintum John Maimo 6 years

      Thanks alot Jan Baker for your comments.As a priest in Cameroon 40years after,I feel profoundly grateful to Angela McCabe,for her inspired insight on Responding To Trauma.Priests in Southern Cameroon,now Ambazonia, facing a total genocide,have lost the sense of their priesthood due to trauma.We need such a Catholic Voice like McCabe,to develop a true Christian approach to risk management to help face the present high risk of vicarious trauma in the face of Cameroon genocide totally neglected by the universal Catholic church and the International Community.John Maimo Bintum from Bamenda, Cameroon.

  • Francis 6 years

    Thank you Jan. I am a priest and I can identify with your comment. Thank you Mrs. Angela McCabe… your article has been very helpful to me.

  • Peter Collins 6 years

    I thank you for this clear, simple but powerful article as it affirms me in my pain that I experienced as a Catholic who had received so much positive support from its schools and systems in the form of love, genuine interest etc , and was faced with the whole range of emotions ,such as sadness, anger, disappointment etc .
    I still feel a variety of emotions because I gained so much from ” the church ” but now feel, as you say,” abused, traumatized “!!
    And I have spent time doing just what you advised, meditating, exercising ,keeping healthy etc .( 12 Step Program G.A.)
    And it does take a long time!!

  • Jo de Groot 6 years

    As a retired social worker specialising in mental health, I am delighted to see this article. It is such a guiding light into a future where we all need to be heading, sharing our insights for prevention, healing and growth in maturity! Thank you!

  • Margaret Rose Owen 6 years

    Dear Angela, Thank you so much for the information regarding “vicarious trauma”. As a result of working for the church for many years, and speaking to many people, I find that I am suffering from this. I couldn’t put a name to it before but it is having a terrible effect on my health, both mental and physical. Where can I go for help? There seems to be agencies to help victims, but what about the rest of us who are suffering. I think that some group therapy would work but where to go from here.

  • Ann 3 years

    Thanks Angela for your clear article. My husband experienced abuse in the church and had gone through the church’s process healing. I agree that support is needed for those close to the abused whi are listening to their concerns as well as listening to those in our work place. For me that is work with children and families who have suffered trauma and disability. If anyone knows of a support for spouses of those abused by the church I would be interested.