Prime Minister supports Calvary takeover
Over 32,000 people have signed the Save Calvary Petition – however, it seems, we have yet to be heard.
We now know that the Prime Minister of Australia, Mr Anthony Albanese as an elected representative of the country, supports the compulsory acquisition of Calvary Hospital. This acquisition is not being done according to the rule of law or on just terms.Can anybody imagine the great Labor Prime Ministers, John Curtin, Ben Chifley, Bob Hawke, or Paul Keating, doing such a thing?
What’s at stake here is not the Labor Party, not the Catholic church, but the rights of ordinary citizens to have proper land and property rights.Contact Hon. Anthony Albanese MP, Prime Minister, urgently to tell him how you feel and think.
Calvary Hospital is a place where true care and compassion is show to patients and should be left as is and not taken over without due process and leave a well established rganisation free to give care as needed and desired.
very disappointed the prime minister was proud of his Catholic Faith before his election but where has it gone now????
Love it! Great work. At last the Church standing up for its people.
How does the Prime Minister’s stance on this matter have anything to do with his plan for a “Better” Australia where nobody is left behind? How does supporting taking away people’s right of choice in their healthcare and health systems fit into a democratic government system?
what had happened to democracy ?
Have the doctors and nurses been consulted.
Have the people of Canberra been consulted.??
What is next?
As residents of Canberra can we feel confident of our properties or are they next to go?
Basic principles of justice are being walked over,
Albanese disinterest is consistent with his difference from other PKs. He’s not in the same street!
I ask Mr Albanese to do all against this bill for the government take over of the Calvary hospital. To leave all in the church working of this hospital with compassion and care.
I’m horrified that a government can take over a highly respected hospital, a move supported by the our Prime Minister. Are Catholic and other religious schools facing the same fate?
I remember years ago the leader of the Greens party, on TV, proposed the shutting down of Vincent’s Hospital in Sydney. looks like that biased line of thinking has not gone away.