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  • Everton Jude Martyn 6 years

    I googled to find out whether the Feast of the Assumption is a public holiday in the United States. The results showed it is not a public holiday in the United States.

    Could you please clarify that.


    Everton Jude Martyn

    • Jasmin, Legion of Mary CBR 6 years

      Hi Everton

      It sounds like the author is saying that (like in Australia), the Catholic church in the United States observes the Feast of the Assumption of Our Lady as a Holy Day of Obligation. See here:

      But you are also right in saying that 15 August is not considered a (secular) ‘public holiday’ by the US (federal) government, or anything like that.

      Pope Francis giving 6,000 rosaries for Syria, how wonderful! In solidarity we should aim for 6,000 to be given out in our Archdiocese in October (month of the Holy Rosary).

      All to Jesus through Mary.