Parents protest as Senegalese Catholic school enforces Islamic headscarf ban 

Headscarf wearing girl at school. Credit Paula Sierra Shutterstock CNA

DAKAR, SENEGAL: A prestigious Catholic school in the Senegalese capital of Dakar is going ahead with a ban on students wearing Islamic headscarves, local media is reporting.

The Sainte-Jeanne d’Arc Institute in Dakar, run by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Cluny, made the decision several months ago, reports, and as a result students who came to school wearing headscarves were not allowed to remain at school.

The school includes primary, secondary, and post-baccalaureate education. The school began during the 2014-2015 school year.

Some parents have called for government action and have threatened to file complaints against the school.

The West African country of Senegal is about 96% Muslim; the 4% or so that are Christian are mostly Catholic. The government is officially secular.

Source: Catholic News Agency


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  • John F. 6 years

    How refreshing to see a Catholic school upholding Christian dress customs and not surrendering and kowtowing to what seems like provocation.

  • Gabrielle 6 years

    What a shame. By interfering with people’s religious beliefs invites revenge. look back at history.
    Please allow the Muslim girls to wear their head scarf inside a Catholic School Your generosity will allow the female students continue their education and maybe understand the wonders of a Christian education.

    By banning the head scarf you will only antagonise the vast majority of your student base.