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  • Beth Gibson 8 months

    It’s great to hear the vocations directors have got together to discuss their really important role in supporting those who are thinking about becoming a priest. We need good priests, and previously too many mistakes have been made with disastrous results!

    However, I am a little perplexed as to why the author, Fr Percy, thinks that ‘our education system’ has forgotten how to open the door to goodness and close it to evil/vice? (As an aside, it is not clear who ‘our’ refers to. The ACT? Catholic Schools? Public Schools? Australian schools generally?  Universities?)
    In my professional and personal contact with schools in the ACT and NSW, both Catholic and secular, and universities, I have always been impressed with the level of care given to teaching students about the importance of them making choices that reflect compassion and justice. I am sure many teachers would be disappointed to see their efforts have apparently gone unnoticed and unappreciated.