Wordpress (4)
  • Babs 6 years

    I wish all those wonderful women ways to bring our parishes back to life so the young people feel welcome and included. As a very old woman who has moved to a new parish I have lost all my confidence and I have become very lonely. I do feel excluded, because of my age and I can’t do the things I have done for years . My whole life was centred around the church and the school. I thank God for always being with me to listen to my prayers.

  • Gabrielle 6 years

    Thank you for this wonderful report on an amazing day, which left open doors for encouraging women to keep the momentum of this day and form a new Women’s group. Thank you Andrea and Committee for setting this up wonderful day and remaining on to steer the new committee.

  • Sally FitzGerald 6 years

    I could not attend on the 20th as I was in Melbourne! I would like to be part of the group,if I am accepted.