New Administrator for Cathedral Parish

St Christopher’s Cathedral

Archbishop Christopher Prowse has announced the appointment of the new Administrator of St Christopher’s Cathedral.

Fr Trenton van Reesch

Fr Trenton van Reesch will be taking on the position of Administrator, effective Friday June 14.

In addition to Administrator of the Cathedral, Fr Trenton will also be the Assistant Vocations Director.

Archbishop Christopher also advised that, due to pending retirements, the parishes of Charnwood, Goulburn and Wanniassa will soon become vacant.

The Archbishop will be overseas from June – 16 to July 19 as part of the Ad Limina Apostolorum. The visit occurs every five to six years and provides an opportunity for Bishops to strengthen their own responsibility as successors of the apostles and to deepen their solidarity with the successor of St Peter, Pope Francis.



Wordpress (9)
  • Robert Davies 6 years

    Could we have more information on Fr van Reesch please?

  • Rachael Sheridan 6 years

    I hope Manuka realise how lucky they are to have
    Trenton.  He of course will be and do an amazing job.   His ability to connect to the congregation is amazing.   He is wise beyond his years.   Trenton left an indelible mark on our community in Temora.   Good luck Trenton with the next part of your spiritual journey 

  • Susan Swift 6 years

    What must the public think of yet another hierarchical figure to be appointed to the diocese. Still again no mention of being given a portfolio relating to the crisis in the Church. This is a lost opportunity in the week that Cardinal Pell has his appeal. When is the hierarchy of the Church going to listen. Be brave & bold ! 

  • Paul Monagle 6 years

    We welcome Fr Trenton to the Cathedral Parish and look forward to working with and supporting him in his new ministry.

  • Maria Gaffney 6 years

    Welcome Trenton. It is great to see how you have some since your youth / deacon days in South Tuggeranong Parish in Gowrie. I remember you serving with me on Sunday nights. All the blessings for your new role in the Cathedral parish. Maria

  • Mary 6 years

    Congratulations Father Trenton You will do a great job

  • Charlotte DCruze 6 years

    Welcome Fr Trenton, will be meeting you soon as we work together for glooming our children for the sacrament through catechism in the cathedral.

  • Trish Tarlinton 6 years

    Fr Trenton we were hoping u may like a sea would be VERY welcome.
    Your parents must be so very proud of you.
    Please dont change.

  • Philip Pocock 6 years

    Welcome indeed Trenton. I look forward to attending many of your Masses and hearing your words of wisdom, providing any help you seek. God bless.