Mufti day at Batlow to raise funds for Catholic Missions

St Mary’s students can’t wait for Friday’s non-uniform day. Photo Supplied.
This Friday, October 26, St Mary’s Primary School in Batlow is having a non-uniform day to raise funds for Catholic Missions.
This simple initiative is a welcomed break from the norm.
Just as exciting have been our fundraisers from previous years for Catholic Mission: a Crazy Sock Day in 2016, and creating a long coin line in 2017.
Although we look forward to extra special days, that give us a break from the norm, the true message of the day is never lost on our students.
Our ‘fun days’ are days to action and support projects in poor communities around the world. So far this year St Mary’s Year 6 leaders have run special days dedicated to Project Compassion, and a ‘onesie’ day to support a local family with medical needs.
All of this underscores that St Mary’s is a happy and a caring place.
In Catholic School’s Week last term our students participated in liturgy and also created an ‘artspace’ on our playground.
We created butterflies… a symbol of change and joy. We planted butterflies in the grass on the oval and adorned our school fence with butterflies as well.
- Article supplied by St Mary’s Batlow