The wedding at Cana, where water is turned into wine:
The mother of Jesus was there, and Jesus and his disciples had also been invited (John 2).
Not a bad idea. To have Mary at your wedding and to invite Jesus along as well. Better than going it alone, that’s for sure.
John does not mention the name of the couple at this wedding in Cana.
Because this historical event has great symbolic significance:
The wedding happens on the ‘third day’. God appeared to Moses and the people on the ‘third day’ (Exodus 19). Jesus rose from the dead on the ‘third day’.
We should pause here and reflect on the importance of matrimony in the life of the Church and society.
Matrimony is one of the seven sacraments:
Matrimony means mother-making, and by implication, father-making.
God entrusts us with the gifts of love and life. What a privilege.
Notice the transformative power and grace of matrimony and sexuality:
A woman becomes a wife and then mother. Her persona is deepened and enhanced.
A man becomes a husband and then father. His persona is deepened and enhanced.
Remarkable really.
An entirely different vision than the secular world.