Marist College sponsor “” Lisa Hendey for Canberra speaking visit

Founder of, Lisa Hendey, will be visiting Canberra on a speaking tour sponsored by Marist College.
As part of the 50th Jubilee celebrations, Marist College Canberra have sponsored international speaker Lisa Hendey to present to Catholic School communities in Australia throughout August.
Lisa is a renowned American author, founder of and public speaker. Marist College Canberra will host a number of events for teachers, parents and students of the Canberra Goulburn Archdiocese, sharing the blessing of Lisa Hendey’s expertise in evangelisation, education and family ministry.
As a board member and frequent host on KNXT Catholic Television, Lisa has produced and hosted multiple programs, including Catholic Mom TV and Making the Grade, a program aimed at promoting quality Catholic education. Lisa has additionally appeared on EWTN, CNN, CatholicTV and as a part of the Momnipotent DVD series.
Lisa is the technology contributor for EWTN’s SonRise Morning Show, a monthly correspondent on Relevant Radio’s Morning Air Show and a monthly correspondent on Holy Spirit Radio’s Spirit in the Morning show. Lisa has blogged at Patheos, New Evangelizers, Integrated Catholic Life,, and Productivity at Home. Her articles have appeared in Catholic Digest, National Catholic Register, and Our Sunday Visitor.
She travels internationally giving workshops on faith, family, and Catholic new media topics. She was selected as an Elizabeth Egan Journalism Fellow and traveled with Catholic Relief Services in Rwanda to study and write on the aftereffects of the Rwandan genocide on the eve of its twentieth anniversary.
Lisa was selected to attend the first-ever Vatican Bloggers Meeting, the “Bishops and Bloggers” meeting and the Catholic Press Association tour of Israel as a guest of the Israeli Ministry of Tourism. Lisa has traveled and shared her writing from Tanzania, Colombia, the Philippines and India in service of non-profit organizations. Her speaking schedule has included the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress, Catholic Marketing Network, the University of Dallas Ministry Conference, the Midwest Family Conference, and the National Council of Catholic Women.
Lisa Hendey will commence her tour in Sydney on August 15 with a Feast of the Assumption retreat day and follow up with a presentation to the Broken Bay Diocese. This will be followed by a series of events with staff, students and Marist families in Canberra, including:
- A Parent Presentation evening will be held on Monday 20 August, 7.00pm – 8.30pm, in the Junior School Hall on the theme of: ‘The Sacred Balancing Act: Busy Lives and Family Spirituality’. Catholic School leadership teams from the Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn have been invited to Marist for a Principals Presentation on Tuesday 21 August.
- A Mothers’ Retreat with Lisa Hendey is being held on Wednesday 22 August, 9.00am – 2.00pm, on the theme of ‘The Grace of Yes‘. The Retreat will include time for prayer, reflection and shared experiences. Participants will discover how a prayerful “no” can be our best “yes” to God and our loved ones.
- Presentations on Thursday 23 August with workshops for Archdiocesan teachers on the topics of ‘Prayer and Productivity’ and ‘Selfies and Souls: Nurturing the Domestic Church in the Digital Age’