Local Missionary inspired by the performing arts and music
On October 18, parishioners and friends met at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, Merimbula to hear an inspiring talk by Kate Lewis, a full-time volunteer missionary with Youth With A Mission.
YWAM is an inter-denominational, non-profit making charity operating in some of the poorer areas of Asia, the Middle East, Indonesia and Africa, providing vital assistance to underprivileged families, many of whom lack the very basic facilities we all too often take for granted here in Australia.
Kate’s Christian family background was the inspiration that fuelled her desire to serve Our Lord Jesus on the mission field. Initially, her work was influenced by a love of the performing arts and music, but as time passed Kate felt called to pursue qualification as an assistant midwife.
During the past year she has worked alongside midwives in Uganda, India, Nepal, and Cambodia, often having to provide medical care to newborn babies and their mothers in extremely primitive conditions. Anyone hearing Kate speak would realise just how much her presence would touch the hearts of those she has devoted her life to serving.
21-year-old Kate, who completed Years 11 and 12 at Lumen Christi Catholic College, Pambula, is currently taking a six-month break before returning to Perth, Western Australia, where her focus will be on training future assistant midwives to carry on this vital work overseas.
As a YWAM worker, Kate is self-funded, relying on part-time work and donations from friends and supporters here on the Sapphire Coast to finance her commitment to this wonderful project. Very often living in the most basic accommodation when abroad, Kate told us just how much she loves to return “home” to this beautiful area to unwind after experiencing truly harrowing conditions in the course of her missionary work.

Kate Lewis
Kate talked of how we can all contribute, not just with financial assistance but also as prayer partners, whilst she lives out her faith helping poor families to cope with life in circumstances we would often find hard to comprehend. Many of Kate’s friends as well as members of local church and community groups, have been busy knitting beanies – “helmets of salvation” – for the newborns who are welcomed into this world in Jesus’ name; as well as making scrunchies for their mothers – a simple, but much appreciated way to give practical help.
We can all pray that Our Lord will continue to bless and protect Kate and her co-workers, as they live out their faith in this way, serving those most in need.