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  • John Smith 3 years

    It is great to read of Lilianne’s faith, essential to forming the faith of young children. These days I wonder if the children have a well formed notion of God the creator, necessary before trying to grow a Christian faith in children.

  • Gavin O'Brien 3 years

    A very informative story. Unlike Lillianne, when I came from Sydney to Canberra to teach Secondary classes at a Congregational College in the early 80’s there was NO mention of the requirement to teach R.E. in the newspaper advertisement .At the conclusion of the formal interview the Headmaster asked me as we drank a refreshment and chatted, “How would you feel about teaching R.E.? I nearly fell off my chair!. Brother, I replied with some confusion, I am not qualified or trained to undertake such a task.” “Never mind”; was his response, we will teach you! It was quite a roller coaster ride that year with little assistance. I completed a Graduate Diploma (RE) at ACU at my own expense (part-time) to equip me. Now we have a proper Curriculum and pre service training available. It is a real shame that it took so long, decades in fact , to introduce and develop.