Lemon face challenge for Annabelle goes viral


A little over a week ago, to help bring attention to a young girl with a rare illness, Catholic Education Director Ross Fox took “Annabelle’s Lemon Face Challenge” and in turn, issued a challenge to the schools of the Archdiocese.

The response has been pretty amazing.

Schools responded. And so did priests. AND a certain Archbishop!

The challenge has been taken, and it’s been fun but hopefully beyond all of that it has raised awareness and funds for Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG).

Here are some of the “Annabelle’s Lemon Face Challenge” videos from across the Archdiocese, starting with one from the young lady herself! If you know of any others, please let us know and we’ll continue to add videos as we become aware of them.


Ross Fox

St Benedict’s Narrabundah

Good Shepherd Primary, Gungahlin

Fr Mark and Fr Jiss (Gungahlin)

Fr Mark and Fr Jiss (Gungahlin)

St Joseph’s Primary, O’Connor

Merici College

St Peter and Paul’s, Goulburn

St Thomas the Apostle, Kambah


The Wiggles

Canberra Raiders

ACT Policing

Santa, some firemen, policemen, security guards and others


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