Lachlan the new Gungahlin and JPC Youth Minister

Lachlan Bull with Madison Greenwood (left), Phoebe Nguyen (centre) and Lachlan Richards (right). Photo supplied.
G’day, my name is Lachlan Bull, I’m 19 and I’m the Youth Minister at John Paul College and Holy Spirit Parish in Gungahlin.
I study Theology at the Australian Catholic University and in my spare time you can more than likely find me with either a guitar in my hand or a keyboard beneath my fingers.
My journey in becoming a youth minister for 2019 is different to most. Last year I decided to give a year of my life to serve God in a full time voluntary missionary position with Youth Mission Team in the diocese of Wollongong, ministering to the young people of the diocese through reflection days and retreats.
Youth Ministry through my high school was the place where I originally found my faith, helping to run reflection days for the younger students, participating in conferences and retreats throughout the archdiocese and the fostering of a deeper relationship between myself and those around me. My faith today is the one thing that constantly brings me joy, through the people around me, the ministry or from my own personal prayer and reflection. Youth ministry has provided an outlet for me to express my faith to friends and family.
Youth ministry for me is the way in which I am able to give the next generation of young people the opportunities that I was given and journeying alongside those who desire to not only know more about God but themselves as well.
I am most excited to journey alongside the students at John Paul College and those apart of the Spirit Youth Group at Holy Spirit and to be able to give them an opportunity to grow in their faith and have an encounter with God.