Introducing Youth Minister… Neve Tually

Neve Tually – Youth Minister at Merici College and Central Canberra Parish.
My name is Neve Tually and this year I am the Youth Minister at Merici College, and the Central Canberra Parish.
I am, live in Yass with my family and am taking a break from Uni to spend a little more time figuring out what I would like to study in the future.
Youth Ministry has always been something I knew was important – being a student at a Catholic school I had the opportunity to be a part of a Youth Ministry Team, as well as attending events such as school retreats, conferences and youth rallies.
Events like these not only grew my own faith in a powerful way, but also shaped my view on the importance of Youth Ministry. A large factor in why my faith is as important to me as it is today, is the opportunities that I was provided at youth ministry initiatives in the Archdiocese. My faith is something which brings so much to my life and the opportunity to share that with others is what being a Youth Minister is all about.
Being a Youth Minister means that I get to work with people from all walks of life – each person has a different background and experience, and responds to faith in a different way.
One of the opportunities in my ministry this year has been to work with the Merici Youth Ministry team in being a part of faith events in the school – the biggest of the year so far being the whole school Easter Liturgy. It was inspiring to see how the entire school participated – all the way from the students with roles to those in the audience.
Working with the Youth Ministry Team to plan and lead the liturgy meant that not only did the students get to experience the faith in an interactive and captivating way, but also to share their own faith with others.
I am excited to continue working both with students in the school, and the kids and young adults in the Parish, to help to bring them into our community – to show each of them God’s love and walk with them on their own journey. Having seen in my own life what a powerful effect this type of ministry can have, I am excited to now pass that on to those around me.
They grow ’em good out in Yass Parish!!
We are most fortunate to have you in the parish.
I will second that Bless Fr Em