Wordpress (3)
  • Mary 4 years

    Thanks Fr Tony, for this beautiful reflection.

  • Brian Mahony 4 years

    Each of the 7 EGO EIMI’s , ‘ I AM WHO……’ is a turn around of Moses’s honest request, ‘ Who am I…….?’ (Ex.3) !
    To me, this shows YHWH’s embracing of each & everyone  &  everything. Oh! To take this on board.
    Reflecting on each of the 7 in their particular context is a prayerful insight into John’s Gospel on one’s own journey. Yes,
    an  in- depth opening up .Try it. Each is placed as in an ACT in a play with so much going on around Jesus : being
    rejected by the heavies & the acceptance by the truely needy….. US……. Thanks for sowing the seed.

  • Margaret Giumelli 4 years

    Thank you so much for the daily “Living Word” commentary on the Word of God for each day.  I have found such a richness and  an  ‘opening up’ of the Word through each offering for the day. Coupled with “God’s Word” (Paulist Press) it is part of my daily Morning Prayer from the Prayer of the Church since I discovered it during lockdown last year.  A West Australian, I have maintained a deep affection for Canberra going back to my student days at Signadou and graduation ceremony at St Christopher’s in 1970.

    This morning I learnt from the website of the death of Fr Brian Maher.  I graduated with  Brian from “Signadou” We were students there during 1969 – 70. Thank you for the article on him – I’d remembered him through the years.  May he rest in peace.