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  • Peter Gain 3 years

    Could I add a tip 5#
    Post Mass Celebration: My father worked very long hours and was often working away from home. Sunday was the only day that we were together as a family. We lived about a mile and a half from our Parish Church and had no car. When we got home from Mass Dad, who was not very domesticated, cooked the family breakfast. The Mass, the breakfast and Dad’s presence and effort made the day very special to the family

  • Prakash Rebello 2 years

    Good article, We needs kids/next generation at the Mass but at the same we need to set expectation that church is not a playground, so the role of Parents is very important to set the expectations, come early, showcase other kids and make it a profound experience for them as well as others. Almighty father bless all our lovely kids of Canberra!