How can I get involved in the Year of the Holy Spirit?

Discussions during the ‘Enrichaing the Domestic Church’ Roundtable
As we approach the Archdiocesan Assembly in October, we are encouraged to participate in Evangelisation Circles and Roundtables using Conversations of the Spirit. Below is a Q&A with Huw Waremenhoven.
Why has Archbishop Prowse called a Year of the Holy Spirit for the Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn?
This Year of the Holy Spirit provides a focus for each of us to prayerfully discern ‘what seems good to us and the Holy Spirit’ (Acts 15:28) as an Archdiocese of Canberra & Goulburn. This is a moment for all to come together to seek to raise up new generations in the life and mission of our Church.
This Year is building upon the Year of Walking Together (2022-2023) and is helping to both align our desire to become a synodal Church as well as realise the aspirations of the Synod on Synodality and the Plenary Council here in our community.
Finally, the Year of the Holy Spirit is not about implementing another model, resource, tool or framework; it is about allowing the Holy Spirit to renew our Archdiocese to become a place where all are invited into encounter, discipleship and mission. There will be moments to discern charism, be formed as missionary leaders and gather in a spirit of synodality at an Archdiocesan, parish, school or community level. Many of the efforts you might hear about, such as Evangelisation Circles and Roundtables, are simply there to facilitate this.
What is Synodality, and why are we hearing so much about it in the Catholic Church lately?
Great question! Synodality essentially means journeying together as the People of God. It asks each of us to listen to one another and prayerfully seek to contemplate, discern, and understand how the Holy Spirit might be speaking to His Church. In this way, synodality reminds us of the work of the Holy Spirit in each of us and through all of us working together in life and mission.
Synodality is often articulated as communion, participation and mission. The thing about these three concepts is they are generally realised and appreciated through ‘experience’ rather than just understanding. Throughout this Year of the Holy Spirit, there will be opportunities for each of us to experience this, but this is not limited to any one event. The Conversation in the Spirit is a great starting point for your family, parish, school or community to experience synodality.
What would be the best entry point for parishes to start being a ‘Synodal Church’?
Starting Evangelisation Circles can be a great way for parishioners to gather – and they can be anywhere, anytime. They could be within the context of a parish, university, school, ecclesial community, ministry, movement, workplace or just amongst a group of friends.
Not unlike a sharing group, Circles are all about sharing, encouraging and exploring your faith with the people in your group. Although focused on prayer, each group is encouraged to commit to doing some form of charitable work.
Will Roundtables resemble the Dialogue and Listening Sessions we were engaged in during the recent Fifth Plenary?
Whilst both the Roundtables and the Dialogue and Listening Sessions seek to give expression to synodality, I would say they are quite distinct in their approach. In many ways, this is due to the developing theology of synodality that our Church has discerned and refined throughout the Plenary Council and Synod on Synodality.
What does this mean? Well, the Roundtables are a time of prayerful dialogue and discernment in the context of community. They are grounded in the Conversation in the Spirit approach to prayer, they celebrate where the Holy Spirit is already at work in our Archdiocese through sharings and they give everyone an opportunity to contribute what they have prayerfully discerned.
Are they open to all?
Everyone is invited to attend a Roundtable, with particular emphasis on people who are involved in, or passionate about, that particular theme.
With work and family commitments, I haven’t been very active in my parish and tend to pray little. Can I still be involved?
Absolutely! Whilst we would obviously love this year to be an opportunity for people who are not actively involved in their parish or engaged in prayer to explore new opportunities to do so, there are opportunities for everyone to participate.
Evangelisation Circles are a great place to start. Similarly, the Roundtables are open to all. Keep an eye out at for more information on the various opportunities as an Archdiocesan level.
I have strong opinions about the Catholic Church and think it’s time for change. Will the Archdiocesan Assembly in October allow me to express my views?
The Archdiocese seeks to have a diverse range of voices and experiences represented at the Assembly. As a result, differences in expectations, hopes, priorities and opportunities to be explored are expected. We all hope that this is a space where you can be honest and authentic in what you share.
In saying this, the Assembly is not about coming with preconceived notions but entering into a time of prayer, discernment and respectful dialogue that will provide a foundation for the Archbishop and broader Archdiocesan leadership represented at the Assembly to adequately discern ‘what seems good to us and the Holy Spirit’.
- There are many opportunities to get involved, several of which are available at with countless others on offer in our parishes, schools and communities. Contact for more information