Holy Spirit parish promotes spirituality through sport

Harmony is a beautiful balance between mind, body, and soul measured in tender peaceful moments.” Melanie Koulouris

Holy Spirit Parish, Amaroo, has gone the extra mile in thinking outside the box and promoting spirituality in their parish, by bringing people together through social events like sports.

Their volleyball team, right from its inception, promoted a sense of wellbeing in the hearts and minds of all those who joined them on Sundays, to share a laugh, learn the game and most importantly have a good time.

Their volleyball family, which consists of 20-25 members, recently celebrated the 1-year anniversary and wishes to welcome one and all to their social volleyball gathering on Sunday’s at 6:30pm at the indoor volleyball court at church premises.

At the photoshoot, with matching volleyball jerseys and beautiful smiles, the team members had only one thing to share about their journey so far and it was how liberated they felt, physically, mentally, emotionally and most importantly spiritually.

Contributed by Holy Spirit Parish



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