Infertility heartbreak turns to joy

Jess and Paul Carroll have shared their experience of natural fertility methods to raise awareness in the community.
Every night, Jess and Paul Carroll go into their baby’s bedroom and gaze in wonder at their son, Luke.
“I just thank God every day,” Paul said.
“We still can’t really believe it.”
The path to parenthood was not easy for the couple, as Jess suffered severe bouts of endometriosis.
“I discovered I had it later in life when I was 28, and I knew from then that it could be problematic having children,” Jess explained.
“When I met Paul and we got married, I suppose we hoped we would fall pregnant and there would be no issue, but that wasn’t the case.”
The couple found a local parishioner who taught the Billings method – a natural method of fertility tracking.
She, in turn, recommended further specialists who supported natural fertility.
In March 2022, after three years of testing, surgeries and tracking, Jess discovered she was pregnant.
“It was a complete surprise – we had decided we were done. Every month, it was a disappointment, and we just got to the point where we thought this is not God’s plan for us,” she said.
“We were desperate to have a baby, but our faith has been so important throughout the journey. Just having faith made it easier. And now we have the amazing joy and optimism that came with finally having our baby.”
“We trusted in God and God’s providence,” Paul added.
“Having faith brought us a lot of peace.”
Archdiocese of Canberra Goulburn Marriage, Family, Relationships co-ordinator Lara Kirk said National Fertility Week, which runs this week, seeks to empower women and couples with the capacity to understand and track their own fertility.
Lara said many couples had very little knowledge about the various natural methods of fertility management available to them.
“Sharing stories such as Jess and Paul’s raises awareness, builds confidence and broadens the choices open to couples, especially those who are struggling to conceive,’ she said.
“Knowledge is power,” Jess agreed.
“Everyone knows about IVF, but no one knows how their body works. I think that is why Billings is so wonderful – I wish I’d known about it as a young girl. That kind of education and awareness is the first step.”
- For more information about natural fertility management, visit the Archdiocesan website