Heard it all before?

Have you been to a few weddings? Do you sit there and wait for the first reading and then go ah here we go again? The Thirteenth Chapter of Corinthians is one of the most used readings at weddings. It is one of those readings that we hear so often, we ignore their meaning.

Today is an opportunity to look at it again. We know that God is Love, so then when we hear that Love is patient or that Love does not rejoice over wrongdoing and so forth, we can learn something of who God is in our lives. He is patient with us more than we are with ourselves; he does not cause our suffering, and so on. This can give us the confidence to go to God with all of our lives, especially our struggles. Because he is Love, he will tend to us and care for us. He will be kind and tender so that he may heal us. Sometimes he may challenge us to grow, as he rejoices in truth, but he will only do this within his nature, which is Love.


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