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  • Charlotte DCruze 6 years

    Our deepest condolences to each one of you and especially to our handsome Arnaud. Just got to know about your grief and irrepairable loss.
    On behalf of our catechist group, I Charlotte the Cathedral school of religion Coordinator would like to pay a visit to you, Paul and the boys if that’s comfortable to you.
    Please let me know and we will spend a moment of silent and a prayer for your little one at our 1st communion class session that begins on this Monday 12 August 2019
    Saddened in your grief 
    Charlotte D’Cruze

    • Stephen Scroope 6 years

      Felicity and Paul and Family. This morning I read in tears your recounting of the loss of your boy Etienne. Our family some years ago also lost a member to sudden death. As you say it is a place you do not expect to find yourself and you do not wish upon anyone. It takes time, a lot of time. Counselling is so important. You will recover and get strong again, you will live and love and laugh. You are so blessed to have each other. Your beautiful boy is in a place which has been prepared for you when you are reunited. Today I will pray the rosary for you and your family. One day at a time, your steps will become light again.