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  • Beth Gibson 2 years

    Great to hear about Fr Bateman’s new book! Congratulations!! And I agree that the word ‘retired’ can have connotations of sitting round not doing anything very much. However the retired people I know, myself included, are often very busy with volunteering, family and other caring activities, participating in community events, supporting friends, actively looking after our own health and wellbeing to maintain our self sufficiency, and a myriad of other worthwhile activities. Hopefully we also take some time to ‘be’ a thoughtful and reflective presence in the world. Maybe we can either reclaim the word ‘retired’ or come up with a new one??

  • MAXWELL NOEL Spencer 2 years

    Congratulations Father Paul I am looking forward to getting a copy of your new book. God Bless and thank you. Max Spencer.

  • Lucy Woodworth 2 years

    great to hear news of you Fr Bateman and looking reading your new book.

    still have photos taken on the front step of your beautiful home in Bega when my husband Dave and I visited you in April 2019 before the awful fires burnt your idyllic home and farm.Wishing you good health to continue your priestly work and writing.