Five minutes with… Lily Sarah

This month, the Catholic Voice spent five minutes with LILY SARAH.

How old are you? 


What school did you attend?

St Clare’s College, Griffith 

What influenced you to become a Youth Ministry Worker?

I was inspired by previous Youth Ministers and the work they accomplished to take up a role in Evangelisation.

Are you full time or part-time in Youth Ministry?


Are you studying or working elsewhere?

I’m taking a Gap Year in 2018, and along with Youth Ministering, I will be working at the Public Service in the Health Call Centre, hopefully doing some traveling and just relaxing.

What sustains your faith in an increasingly secular society?

I’m very blessed to be surrounded with some incredible friends and family, who are constantly inspiring, supporting and empowering me through the way they live the faith. I also love Adoration and daily chats with Jesus to strengthen and nourish my relationship with God.

What qualities would you like to bring to this role?

Creativity, positivity and passion for change

 What is your message to young people?

Give God a chance, open your heart as much as you can, and He’ll do the rest.

What are you most looking forward to in the Year of Youth?

The ability to make a difference in the life of even one person, and the opportunity to share the joy and Good News with others.

Which is your favourite Saint?

St Elizabeth of Hungary 

What is your favourite sporting team?

 I’m not a huge follower of sport, but for our sanity, I hope my Dad’s teams win. 

What is your favourite food or beverage?

My Mum’s famous pasta 

What is your favourite movie? 

Tangled (you can’t beat Disney)

Who is your favourite actor/actress?

It’s a tie between Anne Hathaway and Sandra Bullock (and soon to be my brother)

What is your favourite book?

The InBetween Series by Jenny B. Jones

What music do you listen to most?

Ed Sheeran, Train and Maroon 5

 What is your favourite place for a holiday?

Denhams Beach in Batemans Bay with my Grandparents

What is your favourite quote, phrase or motto?

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:13) AND 

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.” (Proverbs 3:5-6)

What is the best advice you have ever been given?

A quote from Koichi Aoyagi sums it up perfectly, ‘Put God first, regardless of the trials you face. Love God. Have faith in Christ, and entrust yourself to Him in all things’


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