Film-maker delivers presentation on euthanasia

Kevin Dunn presenting in Yass.
Participants from various churches across Queanbeyan, Murrumbateman and Yass gathered on Saturday morning to hear Canadian film maker Kevin Dunn speak on Living, Dying and the Power of Presence.
Kevin delivered a fundamentally positive message about the need for each of us to be ‘prophets of hope’ to all whom we encounter day to day.
He explained that despite Euthanasia being legalised in numerous states and countries almost all medical professional associations across the world are opposed to Euthanasia & Physician Assisted Suicide.
Kevin also recounted how today in the Netherlands, 1 in 17 medically assisted deaths were carried out without being requested.
Also in The Netherlands, euthanasia is now legally available not only to the terminally ill but also to the chronically ill, the mentally ill and the disabled. The government is now discussing a new law called ‘the completed life’ which would allow anyone who has become ‘weary of life’ even though physically well to request euthanasia.
Kevin spoke of a ‘culture of abandonment’ which has developed in the West and encouraged us to resist this cultural trend by being more connected and present to one another.

Participants from Yass, Queanbeyan and Murrumbateman. Photo supplied.
We have long been aware of how the euthanasia Bill morphed into using it on their most vunerable citizens without permission. It will happen here without doubt.Already SA. Abortion in extreme case became ‘Abortion demand’.
This no longer a free country. We are being dictated to by politicians who are pandering to a minority group Who Are dead set on a genderless society who getting our most vunerable in every way they with the help of governments who job it is to keep the people who elected them safe.
God must be weeping