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  • Fr Simon Falk 5 years

    What do they advise for vegetarians and vegans on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday?

    • Abba 3 years

      Same as for everyone else. BTW Aren’t you part of “they”? 
      “They” should not have changed it. Are we better than our ancestors were?
      Let’s go back to tradition, as best we can.

  • luke verrell 5 years

    The Article States “During the Fridays of Lent, Roman Catholics are to abstain from meat”.
    Only if you are in an American Diocese. American Bishops (United States of America) have kept THEIR American tradition of abstaining from meat during lent “We preserve for our Dioceses the tradition of abstinence from meat on each of the Fridays of Lent” (NCCB Complementary Norms, PP. 19, 29-34

    However, the Universal Law of the Church concerning meat is as follows:
    Canon 1251 – Abstinence from meat is to be observed on all Fridays (unless a solemnity falls on a Friday).

    In Australia the Law is that Abstinence from Meat, and fasting, are obligatory ONLY on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. On all other Fridays of the year the law of penance is fulfilled by prayers, self-denial, helping others. (Australian Catholic Register, 62 (1985), pp. 428-429