Holy mass followed by a time of praise, worship and healing ministry lead by Br Lalith Perera, Founder & Spiritual Director of the Risen Lord Community
Join Archbishop Christopher for a morning of lively worship, powerful preaching, inspiring testimony and joyful celebration of the Eucharist at the annual Catholic Charismatic Renewal Teaching Day. Special guest speaker, all the way from Sri Lanka: Lalith Perera, founder and coordinator of the Community of the Risen Lord. 8:30am-2pm. Haydon Hall, Manuka. Free BBQ lunch […]
Come and hear about how God is using Kairos Prison Ministry to change the lives of those who are in prison and the families and friends of those who are impacted by their imprisonment. At St Thomas the Apostle Parish Centre, Boddington Cr Kambah. Morning tea will be provided. RSVP kocanberrasec@kairos.org.au
Learn to see yourself as God sees you & learn to value yourself as God values you. A retreat lead by Br Lalith Perera, founder and spiritual Director of the Risen Lord Community with Mass celebrated by Fr. Emil Milat. Join us to encounter a time of God's refreshment and anointing. Entrance Free Lunch will […]
Marriage Preparation program for engaged couples. Includes FOCCUS questionnaire, dinner, evening formation program and a private, follow-up couple discussion with a CatholicCare counsellor. The cost for the whole package is $300 per couple. Information and registration at www.marriagefamily.org.au
Simon Carrington of Fire Up Ministries will discuss the foundations for a successful romantic relationship including: taking an holist approach to singleness; guidelines for avoiding unnecessary confusion and hurt when interacting with members of the opposite sex; straight answers to the most common and most difficult dating questions. This free presentation is aimed at Catholic young […]
Sr. Magdalen Mather of Benedictine Abbey Jamberoo will lead a parish spirituality retreat day at St. Vincent's parish centre, Aranda. the theme will be Going Deeper, and looking at ancient prayer practices of the desert fathers and mothers to help us in our current troubled times
A two-day marriage preparation program in Sydney which provides engaged couples with deeper insights into each other and into married life. $290 not including accommodation. Information & registration at www.marriagefamily.org.au
Evenings for the Engaged marriage preparation course. 2 consecutive Saturdays 9am-3pm in Murrumbateman $150 includes catering and resources. Presented by married couples and a priest. Time provided for couple to discuss topics privately. Register at www.marriagefamily.org.au Enquiries 0451670041 prugordon@gmail.com
Come along to our Christmas Monster Garage and Plant Sale! We will be selling a variety of high quality plants, bric-a-brac, toys, clothes, homewares, handbags, jewellery and accessories, as well as a HUGE variety of fiction and non-fiction books. No matter your interests, we will have something for you! You're not going to want to […]
On the Feast of the Dedication of the Basilicas of Sts Peter and Paul, you are invited to visit the beautifully restored Old Cathedral in Goulburn, followed by a Gala Luncheon. Tour the Old Cathedral at 11am, Mass at 12noon, Luncheon at 1pm. Click here to book your place: https://www.trybooking.com/CLEOK
Greetings from Divine Retreat Centre, Somersby! Jesus promised to send us the Holy Spirit to be our “Comforter” (John 14:16), “Helper” (John 16:7), and “Advocate” (John 14:26). We can access the guidance, comforts and power of the Holy Spirit when we have received Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. Those who receive the Holy Spirit, […]
The United Nations’ Climate Change Conference, COP28 commences in Dubai on November 30. The Archdiocese is planning to show public prayer support for effective global action on climate (identified as a mainstream faith issue in the recent papal exhortation Laudate Deum). There will be a gathering of faith communities for multi-faith prayers on the authorised lawn […]
The United Nations’ Climate Change Conference, COP28 commences in Dubai on November 30. The Archdiocese is planning to show public prayer support for effective global action on climate (identified as a mainstream faith issue in the recent papal exhortation Laudate Deum). There will be a gathering of faith communities for multi-faith prayers on the authorised lawn […]
Advent is a time to prepare, wait and hope for the coming of Jesus into our world and lives. Please consider joining one of two Advent programs being run ecumenically by Holy Rosary Catholic and Holy Cross Anglican Churches. There are 2 options available for those interested in participating. Online Program - Tuesday evenings 7.30 […]
Alex Schadenberg has been a tireless campaigner on behalf of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition in Ontario, Canada, for 25 years. He has successfully engaged in numerous lawsuits on behalf of vulnerable individuals. Amongst many other works, he published Exposing Vulnerable People to Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide, re-printed by Connor Court Publishing in Australia. With the […]
To acknowledge 70 years since the commencement of Drs. John and Evelyn Billings' commitment to bringing fertility knowledge to the world, a Celebratory Supper Evening has been planned. Mass (at 6pm) will be followed by a slide show, with guests Judy Netting and Rita Joseph speaking before supper is served in the Meeting Room. In […]