Women Alive Monthly Meeting and Reflection

Leedia Castelino 21 b, langdon Ave, Wanniassa, Australia

Women Alive Prayer group warmly welcome any women of the Archdiocese who would like to join us in person or by Zoom for our monthly rosary every second Saturday of the month.  We will start with the Rosary at 4:30pm hosted in a home, followed by a Zoom reflection at 5:15pm by Mrs Anastasia Rebello. […]

Australian Catholic Men’s Gathering 2021

"They were cut to the heart and said to Peter and the other Apostles,  Brothers - what then must we do?" Acts 2:37 LAUNCHING NATIONALLY ONLINE FROM SATURDAY 31 JULY 2021 The Australian Catholic Men’s Gathering aims to inspire and encourage all men with a vision for personal discipleship, service and mission in the family, […]

Wednesday & Friday 4pm Zoom Rosary

Join parishioners from around the Archdiocese as we come together to pray the Rosary Every Wednesday and Friday at 4pm during lockdown. Simply click on the link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85022458332?pwd=MDZ4ODFhNjIvdnpFd21aVDQzWnAydz09 Or enter in the details below after opening the Zoom app Meeting ID: 850 2245 8332 Passcode: 543675 One tap mobile +61861193900,,85022458332# Australia +61871501149,,85022458332# Australia Dial by […]

Women Alive Monthly Meeting and Reflection

Shruti Ruzario 19 Harold White Avenue, Coombs, Australia

Women Alive Prayer group warmly welcome any women of the Archdiocese who would like to join us in person or by Zoom for our monthly rosary every second Saturday of the month.  We will start with the Rosary at 4:30pm hosted in a home, followed by a Zoom reflection at 5:15pm by Mrs Anastasia Rebello. […]

Wednesday & Friday 4pm Zoom Rosary

Join parishioners from around the Archdiocese as we come together to pray the Rosary Every Wednesday and Friday at 4pm during lockdown. We begin tomorrow with Archbishop Christopher who will led us in the Glorious Mysteries Simply click on the link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85022458332?pwd=MDZ4ODFhNjIvdnpFd21aVDQzWnAydz09 Or enter in the details below after opening the Zoom app Meeting ID: […]

Wednesday & Friday 4pm Zoom Rosary

Join parishioners from around the Archdiocese as we come together to pray the Rosary Every Wednesday and Friday at 4pm during lockdown. Simply click on the link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85022458332?pwd=MDZ4ODFhNjIvdnpFd21aVDQzWnAydz09 Or enter in the details below after opening the Zoom app Meeting ID: 850 2245 8332 Passcode: 543675 One tap mobile +61861193900,,85022458332# Australia +61871501149,,85022458332# Australia Dial by […]