Archbishop’s Day for Charismatic Renewal 2024

St Peter Chanel's Church Cnr Weston and Loch Streets, Yarralumla

Hearts on Fire! Listening to the Holy Spirit! Join Archbishop Christopher Prowse, special guest Anne Marie Gatenby (CCR NSW Chairperson) and Catholics from around this Archdiocese for a day of […]

9 & 16 November Evenings for the Engaged Marriage Preparation

Murrumbateman Murrumbateman

A marriage preparation program run over two consecutive Saturdays 9am – 3pm in Murrumbateman presented by married couples and a priest. Cost is $150 and includes catering and resources. Register […]


9 & 10 November Engaged Encounter Weekend

St Joseph’s Baulkham Hills Sydney

A two-day marriage preparation program in Sydney. $290 not including accommodation. For more information or to register go to Enquiries: Text Helena Zobec on 0405 440 463
