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Global Rosary
13 October 2019
This year the global rosary has many countries involved and millions of rosaries planned on the 13th Of October, Fatima Day.
The world wide global rosary will pray for world peace and reparation for the world as well as each country will have it’s own specific intentions. Australia’s participation is under the spiritual guidance of Bishop David Cremin.
Australia’s intentions are protection of the country’s and her people, priests and religious, sanctity of life and marriage, the consecration Of the country to the Immaculate Heart Of Mary and for the country to live out it’s calling as the Great Southland of the Holy Spirit.
The focus this year is on the Eucharist and rosary coordinators are being asked to work with their parishes and priest for this event.
Groups are organising Eucharistic Processions, Adoration and Rosary recitation.
Some countries are doing 40 hours Adoration leading up to the 13th Of October but people are encouraged to do whatever is possible in their parish as a sign of solidarity with the millions of other people participating across the globe.
Australia’s faithful are also asking ( as Catholics in other countries are) for all their bishops to re-consecrate Australia to the Immaculate Heart Of Mary.
We are asking people within each diocese to arrange this with their bishops.
If you would like to register your parish or prayer group then please email: ozrosary53@gmail.com, contact via the website at: https://ozrosary.wixsite.com/ozrosary53 or call 0476535595