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Evenings for the Engaged – marriage preparation course
25 February 2023 @ 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM
Evenings for the Engaged is a marriage preparation course run over two consecutive Saturdays 9.00am-3.30pm in Murrumbateman.
The course is presented by married couples on topics including, Family of Origin, Communication, Intimacy in Marriage, the Sacrament of Marriage (presented by a Priest), God in Marriage, and Building a Stronger Marriage. Each session is followed by time for each couple to explore privately how the topic is relevant to them and their future life together.
Cost: $150 includes catering and resources.
More info: Pru and Peter at 0451 670 041 prugordon@gmail.com
Register: https://cgcatholic.org.au/marriagefamily/engaged/evenings-for-the-engaged-registration-form/
Three Courses available this year:
- Sat 25 Feb & 4 March
- Sat 17 & 24 June
- Sat 7 & 14 Oct.