Double Monster
God reveals his identity to Moses:
I Am who I Am (Exodus 3).
By naming himself, God is entrusting himself to us:
Mark O’Brien OP is always helpful:
The story of Moses is a classic example of its kind because, before he encounters God, he is cast as a ‘double monster.’
On the one hand, he is hunted by the Egyptians as a murderer, on the other hand, he is hated by his people who think he is an Egyptian (The ABC of Sunday Matters, C36).
God chooses who he wants, especially ‘the most unlikely and unpromising characters,’ as the Gospels demonstrate.
Jesus, too, reveals the name of God with further precision:
He calls God ‘Abba,’ the Aramaic word for an intimate Father – a word preserved by Mark and Paul.
Jesus is truly God and truly human, and his name means ‘the one who saves.’ The word Christ meaning ‘the anointed one.’
The Holy Spirit is the Advocate – someone called to our side, defending us against our great adversary, the devil.
Why would we not use these Trinitarian names?
With faith, hope and love we utter the names of our Trinitarian God and everything is just fine.