Dads and sons welcomed to Growing Good Men weekend

Dad takes a risk: Growing Good Men gave dads and sons the space to talk, undertake fun activities and bond. PHOTO: Giovanni Portelli
Fathers and their teenage sons are invited to take part in a new program called ‘Growing Good Men’ which encourages them to spend special time together to strengthen their relationship and share their faith.
The weekend will be held at Warrambui Retreat Centre 5-7 April 2019 and is aimed at boys aged 12-14. It includes plenty of fun and laughter, outdoor activities mixed with talks on true father-son relationships.
Previous participants have said: “[It was] Excellent, fantastic and life changing,”; and “A must for any father and son. This should be a compulsory event for all teenage sons and their fathers. Something I wish I had done with my father.”
Adrian & Julian Gomez participated in a GGM weekend in November 2018 and reported, “it was a nice bunch of dads (and a granddad too) and their boys. All the dads were all these because we wanted to make an effort to have a better relationship with our sons. That in itself said a lot about the group.
Maybe a few of us had our arms twisted by our wives, and a couple were told by their son’s schools that it would be helpful for their boys. But in the end, we were all willing to be there, to take a risk, sacrifice a weekend and step out of our comfort zones to have some special time with our sons.
There’s no way I capture in these few words the impact that this weekend has had on myself and my son. All I can say is, you have to do it yourself to understand. Dads out there, if you love your son and want the best for him, take him on this weekend. Mums, family and friends, encourage and support the dads to make this happen. Thank you menALIVE for the difference you have made for me and my son!”
The weekend is supported by MenALIVE and encourages fathers and sons to spend special time together.
This weekend experience is a small but powerful step in the ongoing process of helping adolescent males to grow into psychologically, emotional and spiritually mature men.
It has been a key moment for many in our experience. It is certainly an opportunity to awaken the father to the importance of their role and give them skills and ideas. They are supported by other fathers and sons in the experience.
The program certainly invites ongoing meetings to support in a community setting to encourage ongoing growth. Where natural fathers are absent mentors such as older brothers, relatives of friends, or other primary males can work well.
Place are limited and early registration is recommended. Please contact Nathan Ahearne at for further information.

MenALIVE founder Robert Falzon shares his insights with the fathers and sons. PHOTO: Giovanni Portelli