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  • Anna 9 months

    Congratulations, a welcomed initiative and messaging. To succeed though it will take a village of faithful.  Schools cannot operate in isolation, nor should they be expected to do so. As ACU Professor and Marist Brother, David Hall rightly said, “He was encouraged by the number of priests who attended. “Because we evangelise alongside them- to have them among us was so significant.” 

    Our priests are the pastors of their communities in which they live, therefore, if they are not deeply committed and visible in their school communities, and actively supporting their senior leaders we will continue to have empty churches and young children disconnected from our faith. It’s not okay for our clergy to just preach from the pulpit, and admit speaking to school children makes them feel ‘nervous’ because they(the children) ask some really tough questions about God and our faith. Perhaps, educating our priests on school engagement needs to be a primary focus, especially with the large number of younger ordained clergy across our Archdiocese coming from overseas i.e if a “Renewing of Catholic Schools as Centres of Evangelisation” is now an expectation; as it’s only with a shared vision and ‘lived’ partnership between our senior leaders and parish priests will schools be able to deliver a successful outcome.