Cowpat bingo proves a bonanza at St John’s

St John the Apostle Year Four student Lily Holding, 9, meets Roxie the cow
‘Cowpat bingo’ has proved a bonanza for the school community at St John the Apostle Primary in Florey.
Last Friday the school held their annual fete and, as usual, Roxie the 19-year-old bovine was the star attraction.
And fundraiser.
Roxie is now in her fifth year of performing cowpat bingo at the flourishing school.
Owner Bronwyn Ward, daughter of Sally in Year Four, explains.
“There is a grid of 100 numbered squares and everyone pays $5 for a square,” the Yass Mum-of-four said.
“Wherever Roxie does her poo, the person with that square wins $150.
“She’s got a bellyful of feed so where it lands is anybody’s guess. Some years she’s left the mystery right till the end.”
Bronwyn’s three older children attended St John the Apostle and are now at St Frances Xavier College. She said she chose the primary school because of its fete.
“Jason and I lived in Florey before we had kids,” Bronwyn explained. “We used to come to the fete and loved the community and atmosphere.”
Proud principal Matthew Garton said late February was the perfect time for a school fete.
“It doubles as a community gathering event,” Matthew said, “particularly for the new kinder families.
“We’ve done a masterplan for our expansive outdoor area and all the fete money is going into that.”
Three of Matthew’s four children attended St John the Apostle and Matthew is also a member of the local parish.