Wordpress (8)
  • Fr Simon Falk 5 years

    We averaged around 43 participants in the Zoom sessions. Some even had flash backgrounds and headphones. Presenters: Fr Trenton van Reesch, Angela McCabe and Eileen Glass all presented well and appeared to be well received. CatholicCare Psychologist, Neil Harrigan, sat in with us one of the mornings and will be meeting one-on-one and in small groups with some clergy, fostering their well-being and healthy self-care.
    The tech produced lots of challenges and our men honed their virtue of patience. I am very grateful to all.

  • Fr Warrick Tonkin 5 years

    Monsignor Kevin Barry-Cotter also celebrates his 60th anniversary of ordination to the priesthood this year.

    Fr Warrick Tonkin

  • Therese Ventura 5 years

    Come Divine Will bless your 40th Ab. CHRIS PROWSE Australia xox

  • Rosemary Fairney 5 years

    Congratulations on your 40 th  Anniversary , on being Ordained Archbishop Christopher Prowse. What a great life well lived .May God continue to Bless you. Rosemary Fairney.

  • Christopher Rule 5 years

    What about Frs Tony Percy and John Armstrong who will be celebrating 30 years of priesthood on 14 December?

  • Tony Fry 5 years

    Congratulations to Fr Tom Thornton on your 40th anniversary next month. I’m sure you’ll agree that,”she’s apples”! Well done.

  • G. Sutton 3 years

    Kevin Flynn,
    Congratulations on 65 years. Thank you for being there when I needed you most week after week, for Mass and support. I think of you often.