Change History

Barnabas was a fellow worker with Paul, then teamed up with John Mark. He is described as ‘a good man, filled with the Holy Spirit and with faith’ (Acts 11).

Why was he so good at spreading the gospel? Why was Mary Magdalen so good at it, so much so, that St. Thomas Aquinas called her the pre-eminent apostle?

Matthew 10 is suggestive;

You received without charge, give without charge.

The grateful change history – whether it be in minor or major matters.

Go on, my friend. Be grateful.

You will have an impact beyond the horizon.



Wordpress (2)
  • Michael Flynn 5 years

    Mary was good at teaching because as the Gospel of Mary records she was listening to Jesus. Peter was less her follower and more an assertive leader. If Constantine had made her story a 5th gospel we may now see more of Jesus and this Mary and less of his mother Mary. We need all the Marys of our tradition. The Plenary Council is a time for listening for all of us. We are blessed to have Pope Francis and all Catholics can access his teaching.

  • Daryl John Burnet 5 years

    The Gospels are clear and precise. We are all sinners and freely forgiven. How dare we not forgive all others, all others. Jesus forgives, we go on blaming, accusing, just like satan.

    History clearly shows shameful acts are perpetrated upon indigenous people, communities, families and children of all Nations everyday.

    We dont need another Council or Law. We need people of prayer. Our Heavenly Mother didnt appear at Fatima and Lourdes etc to be a spectacle. She asked for prayer. Is that too simple? In way, the Gospel can be summed up, Love, forgive and humbly accept Gods Will.

    Saint Maximillian Kolbe is my hero. Look him up someday.

    God bless yooz, i mean that.