Wordpress (15)
  • Matt Casey 4 years

    While I respect others views, I applaud the Pope’s action and the reasoning he has used.  I have been concerned at some of the divisive comments by proponents of the Latin mass, who claim that it is the more perfect form of worship.  I am also concerned by the rejection of the validity of Vatican II which is increasingly associated with the Latin right 

    • Veronica Rowe 4 years

      Freedom to choose is the way we Catholics show our respect….what would JESUS do

      • Gedi Herg 4 years

        Probably not say mass in Latin. It was the language of the occupying forces at that time. Maybe we need to go back to saying Mass in His traditional religious language of Hebrew.

  • Beth Gibson 4 years

    And of course Archbishop Burke has never been a fan of Pope Francis. Perhaps Daily Voice could also print some opinions from people who understand and appreciate the Pope’s position and reasons for this document?

    • Sheelah Egan 4 years


    • Roger 4 years

      Strongly agree Beth. I attended a convenient Mass at St Mary’s Cathedral Sydney recently and found the Latin being used and all the associated detailed observances rather lovely and quaint. However I was horrified to hear the priest’s sermon in its derision of the Church’s contemporary approaches (ie
      ‘weaponisation’ of the liturgy for ideology). And there were other signs there that this bastion of our Australian church is becoming a magnet for corrupt traditionalist influences, unwanted in their home diocese here.

  • Joseph Quigley 4 years

    How much effort did CNA put in to find out the views of those Catholics who support Pope Francis’s directive to promote the primacy of the post-Vat2
    Mass in the vernacular & to curtail the various implementations of the Mass in Latin. The critics mentioned are the usual suspects in the anti-Francis alliance.

  • peter ahern 4 years

    Good on Pope Francis. Consistent with the spirit of Vatican II. He does not have an easy job. He needs all our prayers. Cardinal Burke’s comments disturbing. Yes, it could be war, but not a great way to resolve this issue.

  • Veronica Rowe 4 years

    I enjoy going to latin mass and feel led to go by my conscience and also the leading of the HOLY SPIRIT. how will the wider world see this as unity and love for each other…especially now with covid surely this is a time to encourage community?

  • Pat O’Hagan 4 years

    Overall, I agree with Pope Francis’ decision not only because I have seen the growing divisiveness over the Mass in the ACT but even more so because of the approach of Pope Francis has taken. He consulted widely, sought the views of his bishops across the globe, listened and was guided by the Holy Spirit. 

  • Colliss Parrett 4 years

    I struggle to come to terms with the restrictions on the Latin Mass which has served the world well for nearly 500 years and was compulsory at the time of the counter reformation. Also, at a time when the world and the Church is looking for unity and solidarity, and singularity among plurality, surely after 500 years, the voice of the Mass in Latin must be a lighthouse for those who, through personal circumstances, are searching for an historical pillar for their faith, or approaching faith.

    • Mal 4 years

      In those early years the Church was predominantly European (Western) and Latin was acceptable. Today, the Church is predominantly non-European and so Latin prayers and rituals are definitely not the norm. Our Church is, after all, Catholic.

    • Daryl John Burnet 4 years

      Hi Colliss, you wouldnt remember me. I am in agreement with you. Many powerful Catholic beliefs and devotions have been trampled under modernism, etc. Lack of reverence and belief in the True Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist is tragic. Some good Priests jokingly call the congregation “saints”, because very few go to Confession.

      God is merciful, He is also just. I once asked a very senior Priest why his Masses were noisy and like a circus. He stated that if he cracked the whip, very few people would come to Mass. God is smart, nowadays, if you can get to Mass, reverence is being restored.

      The Latin Mass and Modern Mass go hand in hand, never throw the baby out with the bath water. The Old Testament and New Testament go hand in hand. Justice and Mercy shall meet. Hang in there cobber.

  • Gavin O'Brien 4 years

    I agree with Pope Francis decision in this matter.Pope Benedict was ultra conservative and attempted to undo much of the work of Vatican II .In my travels I have heard the Mass in quite a few different languages. I found it uplifting and refreshing to hear congregations respond on their own tongue.I agree that Pope Francis, like John XXII in the 1960’s , is facing a concerted action by reactionary forces within the Church, notably the extreme Right.

    • Peter 4 years

      That is a grossly inaccurate and insulting characterisation of Benedict XVI; it is true only if you think of Vatican II as some kind of Pol Pot Year Zero remaking of the Church from scratch. You might get a pleasant surprise if you were open-minded enough to listen to him.

      In that contxt it is worth noting that Summorum Pontificum, unlike Traditionis Custodes, did not compel or forbid anyone to do anything. Where have all the objections to top-down clericalist authoritarianism gone?