Catholics flock to Easter celebrations

Easter Sunday Easter Mass at St Christopher’s Cathedral
St Christopher’s overflowed as the faithful flocked to the cathedral to celebrate Easter Sunday today, with parishioners lining the foyer and standing on the steps to hear the Word of God.
Archbishop Christopher Prowse urged those gathered to put aside any distractions.
“On this beautiful Easter morning, when there doesn’t seem to be any wind outside, the light is coming through the stained-glass windows, and the saints are looking down on us – why don’t we all ask Jesus to give us a deeper experience of his love on this day?” he said.

Vigil Easter Mass at St Christopher’s Cathedral, Manuka
“Just for a little while, please, just for a little moment – shut out the things that preoccupy you and just float in the ocean of God’s love.”
In his homily, Archbishop Prowse said the scriptures were the first point of call for us to understand the meaning of Easter.
“The gospel is John’s account of what happened on the first Easter morning. John saw the empty tomb. He saw and he believed,” he said.
“Those who believe in Jesus will have their sins forgiven through his name. This is the initial proclamation of Easter, everybody. The fundamental proclamation that makes Christianity what it is. The way, the truth, and the life. We are witnesses to the resurrection.”
Archbishop Prowse noted that on Saturday evening, he had baptised and welcomed 18 adults into the Catholic Church from the cathedral parish alone.
“This idea that people are saying the Catholic Church is on its way out – I’m not too sure about that,” he said.

Standing room only at the Celebration of the Passion St Gregory’s Parish Queanbeyan
“Just look around at what is happening this morning and last night.”
One of those baptised, Francis, told the Archbishop that when he first entered the cathedral, he had felt a sense of peace.
“He said it was a peace he hadn’t felt for a long, long time,” Archbishop Prowse said.
“I could see he was feeling awe and wonder. When God is in someone, they have a sense of the immensity of something greater than they could have thought or imagined – the ocean of God’s love.

Despite the heavy rain that fell in Canberra on Good Friday, Stations of the Cross Holy Spirit Gungahlin was well attended.
“I hope each one of you this morning – although you are pretty crowded in here – I hope you feel at peace on the rough seas of the ocean we live in.”
The Mass concluded with the choir performing a stirring rendition of the Hallelujah Chorus.
We are blessed at Holy Spirit Church, Gungahlin to have beautiful, inclusive Holy Week and Easter liturgies. Eight young people welcomed into the Catholic faith community at the Easter Vigil which was very moving. Great numbers at all ceremonies. Sincere thanks to our Leaders – Priests, Office staff, RCIA leaders, to the Choir and to all the wonderful volunteers and faithful parishioners.
Maureen Hilton